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  1. T

    Atlanta race thread

    There goes my lead thanks to kryle ...
  2. T

    Atlanta race thread

    Of course I dont use kryle this week and he wins????
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    Atlanta race thread
  4. T

    Atlanta race thread

    I hate practices.between all 3 races at same track 9 practices and 3 qualifying too much.burns people out.the last year of racing has been great with no practices.people may not like it from a fantasy side of it but its made the races alot more entertaing and used to suck...
  5. T

    Atlanta race thread

    No way, the truck races are so much more better when kyle and the crew arent in them. we need alot less kyles in lower series so them boys and girls can make and have careers instead of watching kyle steal it all away.
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    Atlanta race thread

    Lameass kryle racing in truck series leading by 5 seconds not impressive and definitly not entertaining
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    Talladega Boulevard is booked

    I had a feeling it was you been.hope all is well and you've got some great stories to tell..good to hear from you.
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    Talladega Boulevard is booked

    I'm still here.....
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    Atlanta race thread

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! now to stay there....
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    Phoenix race thread

    I just lost 2 drivers under green flag pitstops..
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    Phoenix race thread
  12. T

    Phoenix race thread

    At the currant rate yes.maybe 20 different winners.i say everyone wins a race this year.
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    Phoenix race thread

    Yes it can and it about did last year.harv should have won 14 races last year alone.he has been capable of doin it last 5 or 6 seasons.many of the last 5 seasons or so he easily should had 10 or more wins each year but alot happened by the end of races to secure it.look how many races he...
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    Phoenix race thread

    32 races to go.plenty time for harv to win 10 or 12 of them....
  15. T

    Phoenix race thread

    Did kryle purposly spin out last week?sad....
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    Phoenix race thread

    I don't think keselowski won another race til October year after his if I recall right because at daytona they caught him with a phone and didn't do good at all rest of season without it.
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    Phoenix race thread

    He will be ok.
  18. T

    Las Vegas race thread

    Thank you!!!! Yes it is. im doing pretty good this year. so far one bad race, the raod course.
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    Las Vegas race thread
  20. T

    Las Vegas race thread

    Ty dillon proving how horrible of a driver he is in that #54 car....