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  • J
    Jimmy-James replied to the thread DRIVERGROUPGAME.COM.
    commissioners have a headache yes... as a player on Fantrax easy,,, set up account...set your team name... maybe read the message board...
  • D
    Ducky's Car Wash replied to the thread DRIVERGROUPGAME.COM.
    I found speedway collective ( and it looks pretty similar to DGG. Anyone played there before and can...
  • P
    Paterri5 reacted to Rusty's post in the thread NASCARS FUTURE with Like Like.
    Looks like I wont be watching 5 of the Cup races next year. I refuse to be blackmailed into getting a Prime membership.
  • P
    Paterri5 reacted to Rusty's post in the thread DRIVERGROUPGAME.COM with Like Like.
    What a shame... prayers for Darren and his family. I totally understand but it will leave a big hole here. I played Yahoo Fantasy Racing...
  • P
    Paterri5 reacted to Motorhead55's post in the thread DRIVERGROUPGAME.COM with Like Like.
    Disappointing to hear but I lost both my parents over last two years to cancer. Time with your loves ones are so precious. You never get...
  • J
    Juneau4 reacted to crashthe24's post in the thread Trophy Dash league is on with Like Like.
    ONLY letting 50 people in. free league. 6 drivers per week no A/B/C GROUPS use each driver 27 times per season, so you'll burn thru at...
  • Barneyfred
    Barneyfred reacted to crashthe24's comment on Barneyfred's profile post with Like Like.
    i'm pretty sure he'll shut down the driver group game site (when i'm not sure) this is where his statistical models are that...
  • Barneyfred
    Barneyfred left a message on crashthe24's profile.
    Hey Crash, I was wondering if you knew the answer to this .... Will the DGG site still be up and running through the year? I run a...
  • J
    Jimmy-James replied to the thread DRIVERGROUPGAME.COM.
    Unfortunately DGG has closed... My prayers are with Melinda and Darren...wishing them only the best and great thanks for years of the...
  • A
    Ank Racing reacted to Rusty's post in the thread DRIVERGROUPGAME.COM with Like Like.
    What a shame... prayers for Darren and his family. I totally understand but it will leave a big hole here. I played Yahoo Fantasy Racing...
  • A
    Ank Racing replied to the thread DRIVERGROUPGAME.COM.
    I agree! If you hear of any games we can continue playing , please let me know .I guess Fantrax might be possible if we can get a group...
  • Rusty
    Rusty replied to the thread DRIVERGROUPGAME.COM.
    What a shame... prayers for Darren and his family. I totally understand but it will leave a big hole here. I played Yahoo Fantasy Racing...
  • DownFarce
    DownFarce replied to the thread Happy new Years.
    I feel the same way. I only played in 3 leagues in 2024 and used to play in 12. COVID had a lot to do with that and with drivers and...
  • A
    Ank Racing reacted to crashthe24's post in the thread DRIVERGROUPGAME.COM with Like Like.
    actually a PICK ONE and done game for about 25 to 50 players wouldn't be god awful for someone who does spreadsheets well. make it a 6...
  • A
    Ank Racing reacted to crashthe24's post in the thread DRIVERGROUPGAME.COM with Like Like.
    please go to the site. i've known since Christmas,, but wanted Darren to update the site first. it's been an honor playing with all of...