Kentucky Racing League 2023

Well its about that time again to start those engines and race for the 2023 Championship!! If you played in the old Yahoo game it's basically the same game. I give out trophies to winners of each race and at the end of the year I award the champion a trophy and the runner up as well with other awards at the end of the season. Can anyone compete with the 2021 & 2022 Champion (ron14timechamp)?? He has been tough to beat the last few years and expected to be there in 2023!!

I know it says "Kentucky Racing League" but everyone from any state is more than welcome to join would love to have you!!

Again it's the "Kentucky Racing League" no password is needed but if you need the id# it 92 and the league is located in the Public choice for league.

Its free to play and looking forward to seeing you there!!

Thank you

Bluegrass Racing (commish)

Hardcore Racing League

Just wanted to advertise another league I have been running for years nows. It's called Hardcore Racing League you pick 6 drivers you use 5 at a time and you can change out the 6th driver at anytine during the race up to the last stage of the race. It's live scoring so you can watch your team in real time go up or down during the race. You can use a driver 10 times during the season and during the playoffs you get 5 more times to use a player. It's easy to do and a lot of fun. To get there you can go to Public League on NASCAR.COM then type or look for my league no password needed. Hope to see you there we have about 25 players would love to hit 40 or more.

Below is the link to get to my league.

Thank You

Bluegrass (Commish)