Fire N Smoke
Who is in charge of correcting issues in the game when the usage column doesn't match the amount of times a driver was actually used? I posted this last Sunday and got over 60 views and no replies.
This problem cannot be corrected by the commissioner of this league. It's a problem with the format of the system computing the correct numbers. The owner of DDG has to make these changes. I have went to DDG page and the contact me at the bottom of the page and tried every method to reach out.Who is in charge of correcting issues in the game when the usage column doesn't match the amount of times a driver was actually used? I posted this last Sunday and got over 60 views and no replies.
I have already tried all of what you posted here in your reply. This problem is the computing of numbers in the system format. The contact me at rhe DDG was never answered with a reply and I used previous email addresses the Darren DID reply back to me. Pretty frustrating. I've been a player since of this site since Yahoo died. My Comminisor can't fix in the questions and answers section i posted a thread months ago...
problems? please read this.
Darren almost never gets on the forum to read anything anymore.
problems in the league get handled much quicker on the DGG site (not this forum)
if you did everything listed below over a week ago, besides posting on this forum, as commish you can have that player give you permission to edit entries. watch the video below. edit all 4 of the races by removing the driver and adding him back in. see if that resets the counter to 4 uses. if not wait until after sundays race is scored and that should do a "master reset" after all that, if it's still screwed up, then pound on Darren again.
on the DGG site, all the way on the bottom of the home page, there is a "contact me" link that opens up to this...
Contact Me
In an effort to answer all the emails I get through this form, please help me help you.
- Have you looked at the Frequently Asked Questions?
- Have you looked at the Development Roadmap?
- Have you 'looked' for your answer on the page causing you the question?
- Is there a chance that you are not the first, but more than likely the 21st person to tell me, "Not sure if you know but...?" (Chances are I do know. Give it a minute.)
- Is your question not really a question, but it's a suggestion? Then use the Suggestion Box
I appreciate your input on this. Like what you said about the fourm that Darren hardly views it, I don't think our commissoner looks at our message board that often either.ok. i'm 99 percent sure your commish can fix this, but whatever. must be the 1 percent.
i commish a bunch of leagues and have fixed multiple problems on my own.
if Darren hasn't responded, he may be thinking the same as me.
"why doesn't the commish fix this."
anyway, if i was commish, i'd tell everyone in the league of the issue.
as the season unfolds, if it doesn't get fixed, then we're telling that player that once his 9 race limit is met on that driver he can't use him or then he'll get zero points in that slot even though the game says he'll have one start left.
plain and simple. the commish can control scoring and can zero out an entry for a driver.
that protects the money league from having people screaming. (they'll scream anyway, but it's fair if everyone knows)
if the player in question gets a zero in that slot for an extra usage, they'll lose some money, so hopefully they won't.