Adding drivers to the C list in my league

Rowdy Rules

New member
I know how to go about adding drivers to the C list in my private list. However, every time I try to access my league rules in the About drop down menu, I get the "WHOOPS" error message. This has been going on now for well over a week. Anyone else having this issue in their private league? Is there any way to fix this? I want to add additional drivers to my league. Thanks.


Staff member
people were getting a whoops message if the screen timed out.
(example) taking time to add many entries at a time without saving.
try adding a few and then saving them after a minute or 2 and see if that helps.

Rowdy Rules

New member
I get the WHOOPS message immediately as soon as I try to edit my league rules, not because the page is sitting idle for a few minutes.


Staff member
I get the WHOOPS message immediately as soon as I try to edit my league rules, not because the page is sitting idle for a few minutes.
put your player id# on here and your league id#
mine works fine and Darren just tried his and his is fine.


Staff member
how do I ad driver to C list?
from your league home page find the about button underneath your league name and #.
there are 2 about buttons on the page so take the lowest one.
click that and then a drop down will have LEAGUE RULES... CLICK THAT then DRIVER GROUPS
you should now see a page with driver groups... then find this...
These are the A, B and C Driver Groups that our league uses for the 2023 NASCAR season. The commissioner can add drivers from the Unassigned Drivers list to a specific group over the course of the season as desired.

Unassigned Drivers list <<<<<< CLICK THAT LINK
you can scroll thru all the drivers that aren't assigned to a group yet.

find the driver you want to add then click the NO DRIVER GROUP button next to their name and A/B/C group will show up.
click to whatever group you want to put them in and remember to hit assign drivers after that.
then check to make sure he's put into the group you want and then hit update group.
try that out and let me know if you still have problems.