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  1. U

    Driver Carry Over

    And repeated. You want to charge money then fix it. If not, this will be the last year in this shit show.
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    Driver Carry Over

    The driver carry overs showed the last two weeks but again not this week. Not sure why this isn't fixed yet.
  3. U

    Lucky Dog Setting?

    I’d like an answer too.
  4. U

    Driver Carry Over

    I understand now but in previous years you were able to see the previous weeks entries pushed forward.
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    Driver Carry Over

    No. After the last race the entry screen for the following race shows "no driver selected" for all the drivers. Is that correct?
  6. U

    Driver Carry Over

    So far there is no driver carry over for my league (2040). 3x I contacted Darren and still have not received an answer if or when this will be fixed. The silence is unacceptable.