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  1. E

    Rolling Previous Driver Selections into Next Race

    Can we please request that he not code this function? I would rather just have scores stand. If a player forgets to set his or her lineup, that's their fault, and it should not fall on Darren or the league Commish to fix their error.
  2. E

    Rolling Previous Driver Selections into Next Race

    My point is that over the course of a long 36 race season that spans from February to November, the majority of guys in my league will miss the deadlines for a few weeks due to the various stresses of life that get in the way like work and family. In all previous seasons, this was not a big deal...
  3. E

    Rolling Previous Driver Selections into Next Race

    My race entry for Auto Club is currently showing as empty. If I don't select drivers before partial lock, will it just populate with my selections from the previous race as it did in previous years? Or will I receive a score of zero for Auto Club? Thanks!