i know this year you can save drivers and still have empty roster spots. example A's and B's are full but C list is left empty.My race entry for Auto Club is currently showing as empty. If I don't select drivers before partial lock, will it just populate with my selections from the previous race as it did in previous years? Or will I receive a score of zero for Auto Club?
My point is that over the course of a long 36 race season that spans from February to November, the majority of guys in my league will miss the deadlines for a few weeks due to the various stresses of life that get in the way like work and family. In all previous seasons, this was not a big deal as it would roll over the drivers from the previous week and you would still receive points for those drivers.i know this year you can save drivers and still have empty roster spots. example A's and B's are full but C list is left empty.
last year it would tell you save all 8 deriver slots i think.
based on that, i'm not sure that there is a rollover in place.
i'll text darren and try to get an answer, but honestly. by the time you made this thread post, you could've just filled out a lineup to be safe.
This really only applies to low-engagement players, but my league has a few slackers/busy people who count on their entries rolling over, and it would be awesome if perhaps commissioners could have the option to allow or disallow entries to autopopulate with the previous race's entries since it seems like people have differing but equally strong opinions about this.we need everyone to take a deep breath, in the development roadmap is says this under "not yet started"...
Commissioner Edit Player Entry
Complete functionality for a commissioner to edit a league players entry and re-score league if necessary.
that means a commish can take your empty roster that you forgot to fill out and put in players after 1st lock but before race lock.
he's working on that.
last year your empty roster sat empty all week, it didn't fill from last week automatically.
as it stands now on your dashboard page, it has red dots next to the leagues that your roster isn't set as a reminder to do it.
what if there was a sequence that darren could hit that magically takes all empty rosters and fills the weeks before into those slots.
holy crap batman, there is, you just don't know it. last year he did it when he did the scoring for the week.
last year he didn't do it between first lock and race lock because people complained that they forgot and could you please put these 8 drivers in my slots before race lock. if it populated the screen with last weeks 8 drivers, then they were stuck with those 8 instead of an empty roster that could be filled after 1st lock.
this year he wanted to put it in the hands of the commish so he didn't have to change so many forgetful entries. on his own.
as i've stated many times, we are getting complaints of things that are already there or are in the works.
the very 1st post of this thread is complaining about something that was the exact same as last year as far as having empty rosters during the week. the thing being complained about is in the system, you guys are just a little impatient and want it now.
if you got the roster rollover now during the week, we'd have twice as many people going "why is my roster filled with last week already. "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DON'T DO THAT. MAKE IT LIKE LAST YEAR. PLEASE. well Darren can only make so many people happy while others will complain anyway. as stated before, the little red dots next to your league on the dashboard page are a reminder to fill your empty roster.
Please, we are begging everyone to just fill out the first few weeks with something if you're that worried about it and just be patient that he'll get the sight coded so the commish will be able to handle this sort of thing pretty soon.
well, he hasn't got the part coded yet that will let the commish of the league rescore a race yet. once that happens, i guess you'll be dis-appointed.Update - the slacker's entry appeared blank/empty after the start time yesterday (which is what prompted me to make the above post), but in reviewing our league's scores, it appears that his entry from Daytona (Chase, KyBu, Horvick, and JJ - good for 313 points, even with a 0 coming from Group C...) carried over after all.
If whatever transpired yesterday in this regard is always going to be the case, then I'm good to go.
Thanks for all the hard work that's gone into this!!!
As long as the default setting is to keep lineups intact from week to week (even if a person runs out of allocations and scores zero until they get with the program) then I won't have to rescore any races...well, he hasn't got the part coded yet that will let the commish of the league rescore a race yet. once that happens, i guess you'll be dis-appointed.
Can we please request that he not code this function? I would rather just have scores stand. If a player forgets to set his or her lineup, that's their fault, and it should not fall on Darren or the league Commish to fix their error.well, he hasn't got the part coded yet that will let the commish of the league rescore a race yet. once that happens, i guess you'll be dis-appointed.