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  1. ControlCar

    COTA Thread

    Oh yeah Agreed on 9car’s ‘win’ remember the 77car’s race shortened win at Daytona????? Was an act of Congress to get that race called For a scrub driver/team
  2. ControlCar

    COTA Thread

    Agreed Dangerous at speed (Y’all saw 19car’s in board camera……couldn’t see 2ft in front of car) And rooster tails so high, no decent footage of the 4cars rear end impact by 23car but Some improvements can be made/mandated by Nascar 1-wipers Some cars had such pathetic wiper motors was...
  3. ControlCar

    COTA Thread

    Drvrs doing double duty are going to be high on my roster list 18 33 16 4 42 41 3….well not this Dillon
  4. ControlCar

    COTA Thread

    Grrrrrrrr Thanks for clarifying Beervo
  5. ControlCar

    COTA Thread

    Anyone has/can post those old school pix of fast laps for practice You know like 3yrs ago Fox didn’t show if rain tomorrow, this is going to be crap shoot
  6. ControlCar

    COTA Thread

    I got some good info all three Manufacturers got test laps at COTA sometime in the past Manufacturers picked 2car/9car/19car These guys HAVE laps run here Interesting
  7. ControlCar

    Where is our friend Crashthe24?

    Keep us posted Crash Wishing You Well Bro
  8. ControlCar

    Y’all See pix of Next Gen???

    Well even when C.O.T. Came out way back and recent changes few years ago, those were body changes mostly. Also safety improvements. Just made cars look different This appears to be complete overhaul of entire car Wonder if speeds will be faster???????
  9. ControlCar

    Darlington Thread...

    Did anyone hear what happened to Byron’s Mother this week? She sadly was diagnosed with a brain tumor If there is ever a feel good story on Mother’s Day……….. He is a must start IMO I have been around the Sun too many times in sports not to recognize this story
  10. ControlCar

    IRacing vs. the real thing

    Mind you Not Racing IMO But watched/enjoyed bc nothing else!!!!
  11. ControlCar

    Y’all See pix of Next Gen???

    Crap Sorry beervo well didn’t want clog tht thread with part Q’s
  12. ControlCar

    Y’all See pix of Next Gen???

    Soooooooo 1 lug……I got that y’all see position of front brake caliper???? Normally if looking at RF wheel Caliper mounted at 2o’clock(from vids I could find on line) On NG car mounted at 5 o’clock What I’m saying…….tons of suspension parts need to be different 100% sure Spindle Bearing...
  13. ControlCar

    Y’all See pix of Next Gen???

  14. ControlCar

    IRacing vs. the real thing

    I must say During the peak of Covid I absolutely loved iracing Bc of ‘something’ to watch Bc all hilarious stuff that happened Bc Timmy Hill won a race Ha ha
  15. ControlCar

    Talladega race thread

    Pretty cautions in Xifinity race I’m still thinking typical SS for Cup(yellow city) what is y’all’s opinions???? -clean -one Big One -multiple Big Ones
  16. ControlCar

    Talladega race thread

    I can’t believe what about to do in SS/DK Rostering the 47car/7car......... For the THIRD week a row !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6car is super stellar here......for years
  17. ControlCar

    Where is our friend Crashthe24?

    Wish Dx’s had this for you man:
  18. ControlCar

    Richmond Race Thread..

    I really don’t care...... dark cloud above worried about Crash I’m going email/txt some people My crazy plan just might work I feel so strongly, might join Twitter...ugh Keep y’all posted
  19. ControlCar

    Richmond Race Thread..

    After dismal start in SS Gaining my Sea Legs............ Out of the basement Dega next.........nothing easy thou
  20. ControlCar

    Richmond Race Thread..

    Wyland’s Sneaky C picks 7car 47car 37car GL everyone