Recent content by crashthe24

  1. crashthe24


    true. when i set up my league it was a headache and i'm praying the scoring at daytona comes out the way i'd hoped.
  2. crashthe24

    i'm pretty sure he'll shut down the driver group game site (when i'm not sure) this is...

    i'm pretty sure he'll shut down the driver group game site (when i'm not sure) this is where his statistical models are that people can buy. since this forum is attached to it i'd think this forum board stays up foreer. i'll ask Darren but he may not respond too fast.
  3. crashthe24

    Trophy Dash league is on

    ONLY letting 50 people in. free league. 6 drivers per week no A/B/C GROUPS use each driver 27 times per season, so you'll burn thru at least 9 drivers in a year. no need to pick scrub drivers each week praying they stay on the lead lap. i'll let my previous years players have time to get in and...
  4. crashthe24


    oh by the way... fantrax has software with ads and my ad-blocker software on google wouldn't let me access the site. i had to go to incognito window to get it to open.
  5. crashthe24

    Happy new Years

    as half of America is getting hit with a massive cold spell. this is what southerners think about when it drops below 32. LOL
  6. crashthe24

    Happy new Years

    looks like Paris had a nice show for New Years Eve.
  7. crashthe24


    actually a PICK ONE and done game for about 25 to 50 players wouldn't be god awful for someone who does spreadsheets well. make it a 6 or 12 week game and have (6) 6 week games or (3) 12 week games. pick one driver and not use them again for that time period. use nascar points or DGG points...
  8. crashthe24


    please go to the site. i've known since Christmas,, but wanted Darren to update the site first. it's been an honor playing with all of you. i know i was kinda of an A---- last year at times, but some of the issues i needed to relay to Darren from problems you guys were having, really weren't...
  9. crashthe24

    2024 Christmas thread.

    and we'll close the Christmas show with Christina Aguilera... Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night Happy 91st birthday to my mom.
  10. crashthe24

    2024 Christmas thread.

    everyone is getting tired of this song by now but i like all the stars involved.
  11. crashthe24

    2024 Christmas thread.

    CHRISTMAS @ DISNEYWORLD Fireworks show.
  12. crashthe24

    2024 Christmas thread.

    2 from the Home Alone movie soundtrack...
  13. crashthe24

    2024 Christmas thread.

    a little Christmas music for the weekend...
  14. crashthe24

    2024 Christmas thread.

    one from the summer along with day 11 of trickmas... someone told me to lose weight, you actually have to jump rope, not just watch her videos.