Bracketology league by Checkered past is awesome


Staff member
i think he's still a few players short, so read below and jump in. league id# 1457
as a returning member, i can't remember if there is a password or not.

The full season league with a game within the game. If you look at the about page you'll see the last 4 league champions,but there's 2 champions every year,a Bracketier of the Year. Like the NCAA tournament we have 4 regions of 16 teams each. Unlike the tournament if you lose your 1st race you're not done.. You'll face every opponent in a best of series.

The points structure will not change. We use DGG points rules as far as race scoring. But only the top 4 qualifyers(1st two rows)score bonus points 10-7-4-1. 5 points for laps lead,an additional 5 points for the most laps lead.

The big change this year is in the bracket play format. There are no more best of 9 series. Ready for this? Both Daytona and Talladea races have been eliminated from bracket play. However those races will count in the overall championship standings,and as tie-breakers should any H2H match up end up tied 3-3-1 or an unlikely 2-2-3 tie. So those races could be very important. Tie-breakers are determined 1st by league wins,2nd by overall league points.

Here is the new bracket play format.

Round of 64 - No Daytona - Best of 7 - Auto Club thru Bristol

Round of 32 - No Talladega - Best of 7 -Martinsville thru Sonoma

Sweet 16 - Best of 7 series again - Nashville thru Michigan

Elite 8 - There are Daytona and Dega races which will not count in this round. So it's a best of 7 - Indy thru Charlotte

Final 4 - Best of 3 - Vegas thru Martinsville to determine this years finalists for Bracketier of the Year.


Active member
Thank you Russell. There is no password until the league is full. Then I will turn it into a private league,I don't want to overfill it and have turn anyone away. Good luck this year.


Staff member
i must've posted my thread at the same time you updated yours from last year.
great minds think alike.
i like this years changes.


Well-known member
For those who have never played in this league: It's a fun, challenging, very well organized and administrated league. (It can also be frustrating)

IT'S FREE -That should attract some.


If you decide to join, you will not be disappointed!!
Great concept, great league. These 4 spots should fill quick.


Active member
Thank you Bf. Along with you and MoseyingOn it looks like we have a new player from Vacation.and by the name of MaineManiac.